How To Make Read More for Blogspot

I will give my experience from my friend at Indonesia about "How To Make Read More for Blogspot". My friend had told me in Indonesia language, but I want to translate his language to English.

Here is it...

That's all you need to do is :

1. Go to your blogspot dashboard, and go to the layout and then edit HTML
2. Don't forget to check the "expand widget template" box
3. Find the </head> and then, insert the text below to the above of </head> code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}
4. Found the code like this :


5. If there isn't, found the code like this :


6. Insert the code below the 4 or 5 HTML code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'> Read More..</a>
*"ReadMore.." can be change up to yourself*

7. And then click "save template"
8. Go to Setting -> Formatting, insert code below in the Post Template box
<span class="fullpost">
9. Don't forget to save it!

When publishing,

1. Click Edit HTML (not Compose), automatically, there's the code like that
<span class="fullpost">
2. Place the text that you want to publish at your blog that will open first, before the <span class="fullpost"> code

3. And all of text that you want to publish all if you click the main post, place it between <span class="fullpost"> code and </span> code

*To make fast the finding code, hold CTRL and press F (CTRL+F) and then search the code

Clear right? If you still confuse, give your question and I will reply it to you


Anonymous said...

hi this is me again... i have a problem with #4 or #5... i couldnt find it in my layout... is there another way to post "read more" without having to write the codes in the layout section?

anne said...

thanks for sharing this, it is so helpful for the new blogger. thanks for visiting my site... drop u ec too here

Anonymous said...

@ RN2B -> I think no, may, you must reload the edit HTML page and check the "expand widget template" again. And i think you will find it, because all blogspot template have it. I'm sure..
@ anne -> I will drop there too..

Anonymous said...

nice info... ^_^

Anonymous said...

ok ramuannya mantaaPPP!! gudlac bro..

Anonymous said...

I think at blogspot just select embed coment under post. Btw, nice post.

bu melfa said...

it work on my blog..thank's .
wanna ex link?

Anonymous said...

peace visit from me,,,,,,,
wait for your return,,,and wanna ex link? just give me a shout

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