The Heaviest Indonesian Baby

Attention for the moms in this world!!! Almost all of the mom given birth a baby with 8, 9, even 10-lb weight. But now, a mom from Indonesia named Ani had made a record for her country. She given birth her baby with 19.2-lb weight. It was the heaviest newborn ever in Indonesia.

For those wondering, evidently, this baby boy is not the first heaviest newborn in history. The record belongs to an American mom who born a baby in 1879. He weighed 23 pounds, 12 ounces. Unfortunately, he died a few hours after being born. There is a report that the heaviest baby to survive weighed 22 lbs., 8 ounces. We sure hope the big guy was always extra-nice to his mother.

The picture above is true. There is not a computer trick. It is true and you must believe it!


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